Wednesday, March 21, 2007

A Day for Humble Thanks

I slept well last night for ther first time in weeks, having stayed up long enough to be able to read the resolutions from the House of Bishops, who have been meeting this week in Texas. I am enormously grateful for their words:

The words are remarkably clear and, in my estimation, are a healthy dose of self-differentiation in the midst of a climate of "shoulds" created by the Primates. A shorthand summary of what was said might be, "We desire to be in Communion, but as the body that we are. We know this has caused great anxiety, but the anxiety does not belong to us." This is all very grown up(especially for the church)!

As much as it is tempting, however, this is not a day for crowing, because it is a day of pain for some of our brothers and sisters. Let us still hope that we can stay together, and work for it in a way that sacrifices no one's dignity or their integrity.

I am especially grateful to my bishop, Jack McKelvey, for taking a leadership role. Thank you, Bishop, from the bottom of my heart.

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